Korean Cosmetic Giant AmorePacific claims to end animal testing, but will not exit China where testing is required...

Korean cosmetic giant AmorePacific has been responding to questions about animal testing for years with statements that they would like to end animal testing and find alternatives in the future.
Finally in the early spring of 2013, they announced that they were going cruelty free.
 {NOTE: Japan cosmetics giant Shiseido did the same exact thing but received much more press and attention from the mainstream. However, they failed to mention that they would continue to sell in China where testing is mandatory by law (as of January 2014- an  amendment comes June 2014)}
This news was backed up as truth by KARA and BUAV buav.org article, (KARA is Korea's animal rights group that is strongly NO KILL (not to be confused with PETA who lobbies against cruelty to animals but murders thousands of animals every year and lobbies for shelters around the world to do the same, along with advocating banning pit bulls, euthanizing pregnant pit bulls, and euthanizing all feral cats. They send vegan cookie gift baskets to shelters that say they will keep killing and meanwhile collect hundreds of thousands of dollars from naive animal lovers that never look beneath the surface))
AmorePacific owns several popular cosmetic companies such as Innisfree, Etude House, and Laneige.
It was supposed to go into effect May 2013, but no news of Leaping Bunny status has come.
KARA certified them in the category of not testing, but still selling in China. See the full list HERE. Only brands with a star in the THIRD and GREY category are cruelty free! 1 star only means that they do not test themselves, but still sell in China, and a star in column two (red) means that they are vegan.
Cruelty free beauty bloggers were looking forward to a time when they could buy AmorePacific.
It does not look like this will happen...

I sent them an e-mail and they came back with no answer.

Thank you for taking the time to contact AMOREPACIFIC Online.

#1 Thank you for reaching out to AMOREPACIFIC Online. We've received your request and will be
looking into it as soon as possible.

We have successfully received your email and a member of our AMOREPACIFIC Online team will
respond to you as soon as possible.

#2 Thank you for taking the time to contact AMOREPACIFIC and for your interest in our products. We will forward your input to our global headquarters for consideration.

#3Thanks again for getting in touch, and we look forward to getting back to you soon.
Meanwhile, if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reply directly to this e-mail.

AMOREPACIFIC Headquarters will relay their response to the customer service team. Once we hear from them, we will make sure to notify you.


I then came across an article from June, months after AmorePacific announced an end to animal testing, and after it had already taken effect. It states Amore Pacific Aims to be #1 in China.
It's possible with these new June laws in China a AP may eventually be safe to buy. But not yet.


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