REVIEW: Canmake Dolly Matte Base 3 Stars -No Dolly Skin in My Tube!

Brand: Canmake Cruelty Free: Yes . (Confirmed by Canmake and JAVA) Line: n/a Make-up Type: base/primer Origin: Japan REVIEW Summary: Price: 840 yen ($7.03) Size: Packaging: 3/5 pretty squeeze tube, no tip Scent: 3/5 nothing noticeable, fragrance free? Color/ Shade: 3/5 One shade -a pinky beige Texture: 3/5 similar to a cream lotion E ase of use: 3/5 standard Effect : 3/5 a base with no added features. Lastability: 3/5 average last ability on skin, but tube is VERY small. Lasts less than two months. Claim: "Keeps your skin matte and silky smooth like a doll's (neither really) , make your skin look one tone brighter (not at all) , covers up pores, dullness, unevenness (not really) , skin like a soft light marshmallow (nope) , SPF 20, prevents blemishes and freckles (no. wait...what?) , adds moisture, prevents chapping, helps make-up adhere to skin... Features: No preservatives, fragr...